Sunday, August 11, 2013

Basic Community Organizing

1. What is a community?
A group or individual having the same interest, having the same culture
Participatory Village mapping

2. What is community organizing ?

  • Is a process by which the people organize themselves to take charge of their situation and thus develop a sense of being community together…
  • To determine for themselves the actions they will take to  deal with issues in their community.
  • Organizing people to working together to get things done
  • People most often low income people are brought together in an organization to jointly act on interest of their communities. They take greater responsibility for the future of their communities.
  • One of the common goals of community organizing is to build structures, processes, methods, values that promote liberate relations not only politically but economically
  • E.g. build projects that can benefit more members of the community 
  • Convene meetings
  • Conduct action research
  • Analyze public issues
  • Develop a common vision for self development
  • Implement plan to address and resolve important  issues and problems
  • Reduction in health hazards 
  • Is a strategy to build grassroots leadership, community initiative, and constituent influence in neighborhoods and  communities that are often forgotten by those who are in power
3. Why do we need to organize communities?
One of the common goals of community organizing is to build structures, processes, methods, values that promote liberate relations not only politically but economically
E.g. build projects that can benefit more members of the community 

Teaches people to:

  1. convene meetings
  2. conduct action research
  3. analyze public issues
  4. develop a common vision for self development
  5. implement plan to address and resolve important  issues and problems 

Reaches out to involve people:
  1. to effect changes in policies
  2. create new jobs in the community
  3.  reduction in health hazards

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