Friday, October 3, 2014

Cambodian Life in 21 Century

Rubber Plantation Worker in Kampong Cham '
Photo by Siveun

Child collected wild-vegetable for their food in Srae Y (EE)
Photo by Siveun

A child sell the flower to the tourist in Kbal Chay Waterfall
Photo by Siveun

Fishing Boat on Chak Tomuk river in front royal palace
Photo by Siveun

collecting the vegetable of the indigenous group in Krang Tes
Photo by Siveun 

A girl carried the fruit and vegetable to the local market in Koh Nhaek
Photo by Siveun

Coconut leaves house of the people in Tbeng Lech Community
Seam Reap province, Photo by Siveun

A kid in rural area in Seam Reap
Photo by Siveun 

Mobile grocery store in Pukraeng
Photo by Siveun 

Motorbike used to access the village and forest in Mondulkiri
Photo by Siveun

Waiting her mother to be back from the market
Photo by Siveun

Rice Growing in Rovak village
Photo by Siveun

Walk home from the forest
Photo by Siveun

Prohuk selling in Bousra
Photo by Siveun

Sharing the food of a kid to passenger across her village
Photo by Siveun

Chidren lifestyle along the Srae Pok river in Nangkhileuk
Photo by Siveun

Migrant from the nearby province settled her house a lone in
the middle of the jungle, Photo by Siveun

Fishing in the natural lake in Prey Pros
Photo by Siveun

Transporting the pigs from village to the market in Kampot
Photo by Siveun

A old man weave the thatching roof to generate the income
for his grandchild study material in Poradet
Photo by Siveun 

Mobile Rattan production store in banteay Meas, Kampot
Photo by Siveun

Mobile Kitchen in Phnom Penh
Photo by Siveun

Citri worker collected the waste in Phnom Penh
Photo by Siveun

Water well installed in the rural area in Mondulkiri
Photo by Siveun

Traditional Agriculture Equipment
Photo by Siveun

Dry fish in Stoung District
Photo by Siveun

Homeless Child  in Phnom Penh